Monday, 26 March 2012

Body Wash & Body Moisturiser Ban Project

When I was in Boots a few days ago, I was sorely tempted to by the Soap & Glory Clean on Me as it was £5.69 and on 3 for 2. But I flexed my will power muscle and resisted. My friend was so impressed by this that she 'yayed' and said how proud she was - proof of the generally low opinion of my will power.

Despite the title of this post, I am not banning myself from body wash all together; I like to smell nice and not like I recently emerged from the gym changing room. However, what I do not like is the fact I own thirteen various different washing products,  fifteen different body moisturisers; I am seriously running out of room in my toiletries cabinet. (Make that fourteen and fifteen. The postman has just been....). My house mate's say it's like having a small pharmacy in the basement.

The products I have vary from samples, to miniatures, to full sized products I have recieved in gift sets. And to be honest, the collection above doesn't even include the stash of toiletries I have at my mum's house.

So, I am embarking on a Ban Project. I hereby vow that I will not purchase any more body washes or moisturisers until I am down to just two of each - one at home and one miniature in my gym/overnight kit. I have no idea how long it will take but what I plan to do is when I've finished two or three products, I'll review them. Two birds, one stone. I have no idea how long this will take me. Perhaps it will give me more of an incentive to go to the gym! But I promise, I'll keep you all updated :).


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